Using One Skill to Piggyback Sales of Another
Are you tired of not getting clients for your business? I have discovered a way of using other skills besides your main skill to lure clients into working with you. This technique works quite well and can even lead to easier upsells and cross products/services. This method isn't discussed much. It's one of those that people try to keep to themselves because it really works. So, why am I giving away the secret? Because I believe in helping others out. It's called good will. If I do it, then somewhere someone else will do it for me. And this kind of good Karma does happen. Whereas hoarding techniques will tend to come back to haunt you. The universe knows when you do that and it pays you back, in kind. You can well imagine the payback is not what you expect nor is it desirable. Click here to learn the technique yourself so you can start using it for yourself!