How Would You Feel about a $70,000 Minimum Wage?
A little over a year ago, a company in Seattle, Gravity Payments, set its minimum wage (really, minimum salary) to $70,000. The CEO and cofounder, Dan Price, took a huge cut in his salary to make this happen. There are all kinds of opinions about why this worked or didn't work. But, it's a reality. This post has some links for you to discover more about the story. Here is one that I wrote about it: Cochrane, James. "How About a $70,000 Minimum Wage?" Get Paid Boot Camp . 11 July 2016. Web. 12 July 2016. < /> The following is a chronological listing of news stories surrounding this clip. Note: I will be adding to this list as I find more research. The next installment of this article will contain entries for 2016. April 2015 This is the month in which the announcement was made. As you can well imagine, employees of the company went crazy. The #newsmedia was all ablaze over the announcement an...