Change These Two Aspects of Your Email Campains For Higher Retention Rates

Having an email list is one of the best assets an online business owner can have.  Suppose you are able to get 1000 people to subscribe to your list.  A few days pass and you decide to send them an offer, let's say an affiliate offer as an example.  The industry standard is about 1% conversion so that would mean 10 people (1000*1%) would purchase from you.

Now suppose that list multiplied to 10000.  The 1% now becomes 100 people.  If your commission on that is $20, you just made yourself $2000.  Just for sending out an email!

But at the same time you notice that 200 people have dropped out.  Why?  While there could be several reasons for this phenomenon, I am going to give you two tips that can really boost your retention rate, i.e., the rate at which people remain on your list.

Tip #1 - Offer More Content That Has No Offers
The industry has a term called nurturing the list.  What this means is that you want your subscribers to be really warm to your emails.  This requires frequent sending but also sending things that those subscribers will find useful.  You can still send them offers for products and services but you want to definitely have a ratio of about 4-to-1 valuable content to offers.  I actually like my ratio to be about 6-to-1.

Tip #2 - Make Sure To Employ List Automation
Suppose you use your list for customers to try and get them to buy a product that you are selling.  These people know nothing about you except perhaps what they read on your blog.  But the type of wording you will use for them will be different than the wording you would use for people that know you and are comfortable with you.  Therefore, you really want to have two lists.  One for those who have yet to buy from you and one for current customers.

So based on this, it would seem like I am suggesting that you manually go through your lists and compare the emails of those who bought from you and then move them over to the customer list.  And with most lower end autoresponders, that is exactly what you would need to do.  What a nightmare that would be!  So you really have three choices:

  1. Do the manual shuffle just like I described
  2. Buy a high end autoresponder for several hundreds of dollars
  3. Go with my choice which is quite cheap but is actually an industry leader in autoresponders
Obviously, the correct answer is number 3, go with my choice - which I'll get to in a second.  First let me describe what list automation does for you and why I think it's essential that you employ it.

List automation is a concept where when a customer purchases from you, they are automatically moved from the sales list that they originated from to the customer list.  Then, you nurture the customer list with killer content that they can't find anywhere else.  You make it so they will feel really bad if they ever left your list.  You do this enough times, you will have tens of thousands of loyal subscribers.  Imagine how easy it will be to sell to them.

But let's look at the scenario, that most list owners employ, that drastically increases the unsubscribe rate.  That is, when they don't employ list automation and move those subscribers out of the sales list.  These people are going to be getting emails about the product that they already bought.  If that doesn't piss them off quicker than the blink of an eye, I don't know what else could.  What would you do if you keep getting emails about buying a product that you already own?  It probably has happened to you more times than you'd care to imagine.

Drum Roll, Please - The Name of the Service That Can Handle List Automation

This is an industry leader that is much cheaper than most but can handle list automation.  I have used this feature and it works like a charm.  It's easy to set up (a tutorial to follow at a later date) and it is a key component to keeping that retention rate high.

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