Repurposing Content: What's Old is New Again

Many get paid programs require you to get traffic to your website. One of the best ways to do that is by creating quality content and doing that consistently. But as anyone who has ever been responsible for creating content will tell you. That takes a lot of effort. The problem is that people often run out of ideas to write about, i.e., they get stuck, Repurposing content can be a great way around this. You already have the topic in question. Now you just have to rework it in order to put a new spin on it.

Certainly, the one thing you don't want to do is simply copy content even if it's your own. Google is not found of duplicate content. The key here is to enhance existing content to make it better or to show the topic in a different light. Maybe there's been information that came to be that didn't exist when the original content was created.

But we can go much further than simply rewriting blog posts that have been sitting on the internet for all those years. As I wrote in my post "Revive Your Old Content Through Repurposing", create variations of your content in various formats. Create a slideshow in PowerPoint (for Mac - Keynote) which then opens up other platforms to deliver the content to. I won't repeat all of the various content repurposing that can be created as I have included a link for you to read for yourself.

But what you should get out of this is you don't have to wait for content to grow old to take advantage of this concept. Suppose you create a piece of content today. Why not create a corresponding slideshow that can be shared on document sharing sites such as This same slideshow can then be easily turned into a video to be placed up on YouTube.

See the pattern here?

It's not just about repurposing, it's about channel expansion. You are making the content work multiple times as hard for you than had you kept it on minimal channels, i.e., just posting to your blog, etc.

Expanding Your Reach
The actual content that you are sending out to the internet is important in and of itself. But you are actually created a mechanism to increase your footprint with links to your website. Think about how I just accomplished that by including the link to my main blog above. You should try to incorporate these types of devices organically. If I threw in a link on this page that had nothing to do with the topic at hand, you as the reader are going to exit stage right, if you will.

Keep it Simple
It's important not to overthink this process. Otherwise, you can get hung up creating content that never gets published and you will get frustrated in the process. It can be as simple as creating a PDF document that gets uploaded to This document could contain useful resources for your readers that is centered around whatever you niche or topic is about.

It doesn't even have to be overly extensive. In fact, you could tell your readers that because links get stale over time, that you are included a partial list in the PDF and you'll have an updated and larger list on your website. This way, the engagement factor of your visitor increases because they want the larger list. This could be a great way to get them on your mailing list as well (tell them any time you update the resources, you alert anyone that is on the mailing list.)

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